East Los FM
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Tracklist:(click on a track to jump to it)
"El Cocaino" by Los Buitres de Culiacan
"Es-Toy" by Mexican Institute of Sound
"Criminal Sound" by Niña Dioz
"Radio Capital" by La Vida Bohème
"Autos, Moda y Rock and Roll" by Fandango
"El Tatuado" by Don Cheto
"Se Me Perdió La Cadenita" by La Sonora Dinamita
"Fiebre de Jack" by She's a Tease
"Pachuco" by Maldita Vecindad
"El Sonidito" by Hechizeros Band
"Fresco" by Milkman
"Maldito" by Jessy Bulbo
"Tengo El Don" by La Liga feat. Alika
"La Granja" by Los Tigres del Norte
"El Rey Y Yo" by Los Ángeles Negros
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^ this updates to your display's refresh rate, so its probably more accurate
than the actual player The timing may be inaccurate, or completely wrong. I'm
still working on it.
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